
How to Treat Head Pressing in Cats – PetMD

by dr. katy nelson, dvm

If you’ve noticed your cat exhibiting a behavior called head pressing, it’s important to see your vet immediately to determine the underlying cause of the problem.

head pressing is the compulsive act of pressing one’s head against a wall or other surface without rest, for no apparent reason. it’s different from head-butting, a perfectly normal behavior in which a cat rubs or bumps its head against a human or inanimate object as a show of affection. head pressing is usually a sign of nervous system damage, which may be due to a number of underlying issues.

  • Medication, Surgery, or Diet: The method of treatment for this behavior depends on the veterinarian’s diagnosis of the underlying cause of the behavior. treatment should not be undertaken until a diagnosis has been made.
  • what to expect at the vet’s office

    To determine the underlying cause of the head pressing behavior, your veterinarian will likely perform a fundal examination of the retina (the layer of the eye that receives and processes images) and other structures in the retina. back of the eye. this can reveal irregularities in the brain or infectious or inflammatory diseases.

    Other useful tests include blood pressure measurements (the amount of pressure applied by blood in the arteries) to determine if your cat has high blood pressure and CT or MRI scans ( mri) scans of the brain.

    Your vet will also perform blood tests and urinalysis, which could reveal a problem with the metabolic system or help determine if there are toxins in the system.

    You should be prepared to provide a complete history of your cat’s health, including when the symptoms began and what incidents may have preceded the condition. be sure to inform your vet of any other symptoms that accompany head pressure. common symptoms include abnormal vocalization, compulsive pacing and pacing, changes in learned (trained) behavior, seizures, impaired reflexes, disorientation, and visual impairment. these symptoms can lead to physical problems, such as foot sores from compulsive pacing, or injuries to the face or head from pressing the head against a surface for a long period of time.

    Once your vet has performed the appropriate tests and analyzed your cat’s symptoms, he or she will make a diagnosis. some of the common problems that could be causing pressure in the head are:

    • forebrain disease (characterized by damage to the forebrain and the thalamus (the part of the diencephalon responsible for the transmission of sensory impulses)
    • toxic poisoning
    • metabolic or glandular disorders
    • a primary or secondary tumor (located in the brain or elsewhere in the body)
    • an infection of the nervous system (such as rabies or a fungal infection)
    • acute head injury (such as from a car accident)
    • what to expect at home

      Next steps for treatment and care depend on your veterinarian’s final diagnosis of the underlying cause of the head pressure. each disease or ailment will require a different method of treatment. in most cases, your vet will recommend follow-up neurological exams to monitor the progress of the condition.

      questions to ask your vet

      With neurological conditions, symptoms that seem unrelated may be interrelated. Be sure to ask your vet about any unusual behaviors or symptoms your cat is exhibiting, as these can play a key role in diagnosis.

      possible complications to be aware of

      talk to your vet if you have any concerns about your cat’s condition or symptoms.

      image: katerina maksymenko/shutterstock

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