
What’s a Clowder? Not a Soup, But a Group of Cats – Yahoo

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You know wolf packs, raven kills, and ant colonies. but what is a group of cats called? no, it’s not a pack of lions, but a pack of cats. And while this term may make you imagine a bowl of clam chowder, it actually shares its origin with other words you know.

clowder etymology: why is a group of cats called clowder?

according to theresa keiger, self-proclaimed word nerd and creative director of the cat fanciers association, the word clowder is english. its origins go back to the word “clotern”, as well as other words known as “clot”, “clutter”, and “cluster”.

“These words refer to bits of things coming together, lying… hanging out,” says Keiger.

There are also references to a group of cats being called “stunning”, but this distinction is usually based on the cats in question having an attitude. “glaring” is used when the cats are unsure of each other. think of a high school reunion: a lot of awkwardness there.

how many cats make a clowder?

Three or more cats form a cloud, which makes sense. After all, three is a cloud, er, crowd. Jokes aside, this is mostly because the word “pair” pretty much covers any group of two, and if a cat is alone, then he’s just…a cat.

Keep in mind that a group of kittens is not subject to the same rules. You know this word by now: a group of kittens is usually called a “litter”.

where would you find a group of cats?

cats are often solitary creatures, but they can group together if survival depends on it, kieger says.

“Think about the 1500s when cats weren’t household pets,” he says. “they lived around the house and barns, perhaps hanging out together foraging for food and queens huddling with their litters, similar to the feral cat colonies seen today.”

in fact, feral cat colonies are the most popular type of clowder. but although cats live together, they hunt separately, unlike a pack of dogs or wolves. the grouping is mainly for protection and social bonding. Sometimes cats even lend a hand, nursing kittens that aren’t their own to keep them alive, according to cats on broadway veterinary hospital in missoula, mont.

If you own three or more cats, they can also form a clowder. domestic cats are much more social than their wilder ancestors. just keep an eye out for the hierarchy that is established so you can keep the peace among your felines.

Related: Do cats love their owners? this is how you can tell

other words you might hear for a group of cats

although clowder is definitely the most fun thing to say, you might find in your deep dive into cat history that you find a few other words that mean the same thing. such as:

  • group of cats

  • cat cage

  • destruction of cats

  • out of cats

  • annoyances of cats

  • jumping cats

  • kind of kittens

    just keep them in mind when you head out to your next trivia night.

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