Can Cats Smell Mice? – ABC Home & Commercial Services
We’ve all seen the popular cartoons about a cat trying to chase a mouse and going berserk when the mouse plays all sorts of tricks on it, but how much of this is true in real life? It has been said that animals have the ability to sense that something is different or wrong in their environment long before humans have any idea that something is wrong. when it comes to cats and mice, this is definitely true.
Cats have many of the same kinds of heightened senses that some of the world’s top predators use to track their prey. this gives cats a greater ability to smell mice, but cats aren’t the only pets with this kind of talent. Just like their feline friends, dogs can smell mice too.
On average, both cats and dogs have a better sense of smell than humans. that’s one of the reasons it’s important to pay attention if your pet starts doing weird things. For example, if he starts scratching a wall, staring at a spot on the ceiling, whining, pacing in a certain area, or barking randomly. their abnormal activities could be your first sign of a mouse infestation.
Beyond a cat’s olfactory abilities, they can also use their other senses to detect invading rodents in your home. in fact, your cat’s excellent hearing is even more likely to be the reason your cat’s sense of smell is the reason you notice mice activity in your home. Both cats and dogs have hearing that is sensitive enough to detect things that you might not. for example, the slight sound of mice screeching or scratching the walls.
signs of a mouse infestation
If you think a mouse problem might be the reason your pets have started acting strangely, it’s important to look for other signs of a problem. Some possible signs that you have mice in your home include:
- you see mice running around or find a dead mouse on your property.
- you find mouse droppings.
- There are holes along your walls or bite marks on your furniture, boxes, clothing, or other items.
- hear noises such as scratching, banging, or screeching in the attic or on the walls.
- sees mouse tracks.
- it appears that your food containers or your pet’s food containers have been chewed or handled.
- your house starts to smell funny or musky.
- sees piles of shredded paper, straw, grass, insulation, or other materials that mice might be using to build a nest.
- gaps around water pipes, drains, wiring or cables
- cracks along the foundations
- broken vents or fans or openings around them
- cracks around windows or doors
- an uncovered fireplace
- loose or missing tiles, bricks, or siding
- holes in basements or porches
- gaps in basement doors
- loose, rotten or damaged boards
While it might be nice to have a cat that is able to detect and help capture mice in your home, these pets are not enough to control an entire population of mice. house cats may kill a mouse or two, but unfortunately, where there is one mouse, there are usually several more. mice can reproduce very quickly, with some females producing up to 10 litters of pups each year.
In addition, mice have abilities that they can use to evade these predators. In general, once a mouse discovers that a particular area is dangerous, it will change its habits to avoid the risky area. when these rodents realize a cat is in a certain part of the house, they may change the paths they take to get to food, start coming out at a different time of day, or leave the area altogether.
plus, just by keeping pets, you may inadvertently attract mice instead of repelling them. this is because pet food is usually the favorite food of mice. If your cat or dog doesn’t eat all the food on their plate, then mice may see this as an invitation to move. Mice can also chew through pet food bags, so they can be filled with any food that isn’t in rodent-proof containers.
If you think you might have a mouse infestation, it’s a good idea to get help from a rodent control professional. they have the expert training and tools to figure out where mice are hiding and get rid of them quickly and safely. many specialists will even offer recurring rodent control services, so your chances of finding another rodent are slim.
what scent will keep the mice away?
While some people rely on their pets to scare away mice, others use strong odors and other rodent control methods to try to keep mice away. One thing some homeowners swear by to repel mice is to put containers of used kitty litter around your house. however, this method has not been scientifically proven to work and has the negative consequence of having urine-soaked kitty litter all over the house.
Another item that some homeowners use to repel mice is ammonia. this approach involves placing small ammonia-filled lids near anywhere a mouse might try to enter your home. while the smell of ammonia can scare away human guests, there is no evidence that it is effective in deterring mice. Also, it is dangerous to leave ammonia within the reach of children or pets because this chemical can harm you if you inhale, swallow, or touch it.
A natural remedy that might temporarily deter some mice is peppermint oil. some do-it-yourselfers suggest that you can spray peppermint oil or place cotton balls soaked in this essential oil in areas where a mouse would normally build its nest. unfortunately, while mice may avoid the area for a while, the smell of peppermint oil and its potential to keep mice away wears off quickly.
Even if peppermint oil does prevent some mice from entering your home, it won’t help get rid of mice that are already in your home. what’s worse is that mice could take the cotton balls that are scattered around your house and use them to build a nest to house their next litter of pups.
The best way to keep mice away is to contact a qualified rodent control specialist. these professionals have expert knowledge of methods that have been scientifically proven to repel mice. Plus, they have the specialized skills and tools to get rid of the mice currently in your home and help you prevent another infestation in the future.
How high can a mouse jump?
if there were ever a bug olympiad, mice would be good contenders for high jump gold. Although these pests are only a few inches long, they can typically jump more than a foot off the ground, several times the height of their bodies.
In addition to being expert jumpers, mice are also good at a variety of other sporting activities. for example, they can scale vertical surfaces and balance enough to run along tree branches or even thinner items like ropes or cables. This means they can use things like the electrical wires connected to your house or the tree branch hanging over your roof to get into your attic. They can also fit through gaps under doors and slip into the smallest of spaces, including any hole larger than the width of a pencil.
Since mice are basically all-around athletes, it’s critical to seal any gaps a mouse might use to enter your home. This involves using strong, chew-proof materials such as steel wool or caulk to seal any holes, cracks, or openings in your home’s exterior that are larger than a quarter-inch. some of the areas where mice most commonly enter homes include:
Sealing these openings around your home is a great way to help keep mice out of your home, but it can’t get rid of pests that are already in your home. if you have an infestation of mice in your home or property, do not try to treat it without the help of a specialist.
Trying to fix a mouse problem on your own can be costly and time consuming, as well as endangering you, your family, guests and pets. Mice not only carry fleas and diseases, but also many of the DIY methods that people try to use to control pests can be dangerous. Instead of trying to tackle this stressful situation yourself, contact a trusted pest control specialist. these professionals have the expert training and knowledge to control mice efficiently and effectively, so you don’t have to worry.
abc can control mice on your property
While you may be trying to use DIY methods to control mice, this may end up prolonging the problem. Instead of taking care of the mice yourself, contact abc home & commercial services. our highly trained professionals will devise an effective rodent control plan, so you and your family can feel comfortable at home again.