
Cat vs Dog – Difference and Comparison – Diffen

how to choose

When choosing between a cat or a dog, you should consider how much time you can dedicate to the pet (dogs require more time than cats and don’t like to be left home alone), how much you can afford to spend (dogs are more expensive than cats), and what pet temperament you would have before (dogs are more needy and loving than independent cats).

When choosing a cat, consider whether you want to get a purebred cat from a breeder or rescue a cat from an animal shelter. If you’re not going to get a kitten, consider whether you want an indoor or outdoor cat and choose accordingly, as certain cats will be trained for different situations. different breeds have different temperaments, but they vary less than dogs. For example, Siamese cats are intelligent and playful, but can be very noisy, while long-haired cats are laid-back and short-haired cats are usually affectionate and even-tempered. individual cats have different personalities too, so interact with them before you bring them home. Consider the length of hair you can handle, as longer coats, such as the coat of a Maine Coon, Persian, or ragdoll, will require daily brushing.

When choosing a dog, consider its size. larger dogs, such as a German Shepherd or Labrador, need more space and cost more to feed and care for. Some breeds, such as Labradors, Corgis, and Spaniels, are also easier to train than others and have friendlier temperaments. keep the length of the dog’s coat in mind, as those with longer coats will need more regular brushing. Although Thoroughbreds are popular, they can suffer from greater temperament and health problems. mixed-breed dogs tend to have fewer health problems and can be adopted more cheaply from shelters.



Cats need a bowl for food and water, a litter box, some toys and scratching posts, and a brush to groom them.

Dogs need a bowl for food and water, a leash and collar, a dog bed, toys, treats, and treats.


The amount a cat needs to eat varies depending on its size, but cats need less food than most dogs. cat food comes in dry or canned wet form. adult cats require between 250 and 300 calories per day.

The amount a dog eats depends on its size. commercial dog food comes in both dry and wet forms, and most dogs need between 25 and 30 calories per pound per day.


Cats don’t need to be bathed, but they should be brushed regularly if they have long hair.

Dogs, especially long-haired ones, need frequent brushing and bathing.

Both cats and dogs can be infected with ticks, lice, fleas, and other pests. When this happens, disinfectants such as Frontline or Advantix are required to clear the infection from pets. some of these chemicals contain harmful pesticides. Care should also be taken to ensure that Advantix is ​​only used in dogs because it is very dangerous for cats.


The average life expectancy for cats is around 12-14 years, but they can live into their 20s or even 30s. medical costs for cats are around $160 per year.

The life expectancy of dogs, typically 7 to 14 years, varies by breed, with larger breeds tending to have shorter lifespans, similar to wolves. the oldest dog was 29 years old. Medical costs for dogs vary based on size and existing health conditions, but will generally be at least $200 for dental cleanings and vaccinations.

home workout

Cats usually already know how to use a litter box or can be easily trained to use their litter box. this requires cleaning once a day.

Dogs need to be trained, socialized, and housebroken. The training usually lasts about 2 months.


Dogs can function as watchdogs or watchdogs, protecting their owner and the home.


Cats can live in smaller areas, while dogs generally need more space to run. cats can be kept indoors, but dogs should be walked regularly, at least twice a day.


Although some cats learn to do tricks, they do them to please themselves, not their owners, so they are more difficult to train.

Most dogs can be trained to do a few tricks with patience.

your work

Because dogs need more personal attention than cats, they are less suitable for people who travel a lot or work long hours. it is preferable that dogs are not left home alone all day, while cats will manage.


according to the aspca, a typical cat costs $670 per year, including costs for food, litter, and medical care.

A small dog costs approximately $580, while a medium dog costs $695 and a large dog costs $875.

popular breeds

The most popular cat breeds in the United States are the Persian, the Maine Coon, the Exotic, and the Siamese.

The most popular dog breeds in the United States are the Labrador Retriever (with more than 123,000 registered individuals), the Yorkshire Terrier (48,346), the German Shepherd (43,629), and the Golden Retriever (42,962).


based on us census data. In the US, there are about 86.4 million domestic cats in the US. uu. 33% of US households uu. have at least one cat On average, cat owners have two cats. [1]

There are approximately 78.2 million domestic dogs in the United States. 39% of households own at least one dog. on average, dog owners own a dog.[2]

AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) statistics are slightly different: about 74 million cats and 70 million dogs. Dogs are found in more American households than cats, but cat owners tend to have a larger number of cats on average, so the overall population is higher for cats than dogs.

common games

Cats enjoy simple games that allow them to stalk and pounce. Popular games include bouncing a ping-pong ball on the floor for the cat to jump after, rolling a crumpled ball of paper across the floor, dragging a ribbon across the floor, or playing hide-and-seek.

Dogs enjoy games that allow them to run and chase. In addition to playing fetch, dogs enjoy playing tug-of-war, hide-and-seek, find-the-treat, and races.


  • pets by numbers – humane society
  • Should I choose a dog or cat as a pet? – universe of your pets
  • dog vs. cat: which one is right for you? –
  • 10 Easy Games You Can Play With Your Cat – susan ng
  • Are cats domesticated? – the New Yorker
  • games to play with your dog – purina new zealand
  • wikipedia: aging in dogs#life expectancy by breed
  • wikipedia: cat
  • how to choose a cat – wikihow
  • how many calories should a dog or cat eat a day: accept the pet insurance blog
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