Cat Fangs Stick Out –
A cat’ fangs can stick out if it has a genetic malformation causing its fangs to overgrow. This is unnatural for the average cat and is seen as a limiting genetic condition. In a normal cat, its fangs grow so that they end up being tucked inside its mouth.
however, certain cats have fangs that remain exposed to their environment. this condition can cause various dental problems, as well as the discomfort that comes with the odd position of the teeth.
If your cat has protruding fangs and you want to learn more about this condition, keep reading.
cat teeth
The average cat has 26 deciduous or baby teeth as kittens, then 30 permanent teeth as adults. cats don’t actually have the ability to chew their food. this is because they do not have molars, which are the teeth used to grind food. cats are essentially breaking up their food as they eat it. the rows of tiny teeth between its fangs are called grooming teeth.
The canines, or fangs, are some of the first teeth to erupt in the mouth of normal cats. At first glance, it’s easy for pet owners to guess the purpose of canine teeth from their long, sharp, pointy profile. Similar to a hypodermic needle, these teeth are capable of cutting through flesh, sinew, and blood vessels with relative ease. Since the cat’s mouth contains bacteria, one bite is enough to introduce pathogenic microorganisms into the body of the prey.
Most of the time, a cat’s canines cannot be seen clearly unless your cat decides to yawn.
why do some cats have long fangs?
Black cats are more likely to have vampire fangs than other cats. some cats have long fangs, apparently because they have retained the physical characteristics of their less domesticated ancestors.
many cats of Asian descent appear to have this physical trait. For example, the Siamese and Oriental Shorthair often have longer fangs than the average house cat.
The good news is that if your cat has long fangs that don’t stick out when her mouth is closed, that doesn’t mean she has a problem. it turns out they have longer fangs and cling tightly to their ferocious feline DNA from their ancestors.
can cats recover lost canines?
Cats cannot regrow lost canines if they are lost for any reason. after your permanent teeth are in place, that’s it. this is why good dental health is very important for your cat, whether or not they have overgrown canines.
how to handle protruding canines in cats
1. give them a scratching post
You might be wondering how a scratching post is supposed to help a cat with long fangs, when it’s supposed to be used for a cat’s claws.
yes, the main purpose of a scratching post is to help with a cat’s claws, but it can also provide a soft surface for a cat to chew on when they want to play. Cats love to put themselves in their mouths and chew on things, and it’s better if they do it on a scratching post than on your furniture.
You must have control over what your cat is doing and this is a good place to start.
This will provide a more controlled solution when the cat’s fangs protrude and is beneficial to a cat’s overall dental well-being.
2. give your cat wet food
When a cat’s fangs stick out, feeding can be difficult. cats are hunters and they love to catch prey. having fangs that are too large will make it difficult for them to dig into prey without hurting themselves.
You can try to solve this problem by using wet cat food. Do not give your cat dry kibble or hard treats, as these are not good for the cat’s fangs and will further stress the cat.
There are hundreds of options to choose from when it comes to wet cat food. therefore, your cat will likely never get bored of its food.
give the cat options to choose from at first until she finds the right flavor and brand she loves.
3. buy your cat a chew toy
Get your cat a soft cat toy. a hard bone will put too much pressure on the fangs of him. a high-quality soft toy will help keep your cat’s fangs strong without putting too much stress on them.
make sure the toy is big enough that it won’t be swallowed, but small enough that your cat can comfortably grasp it.
4. brush their fangs daily
It’s important to take care of long fangs. Since these fangs are always exposed, brushing them is a must. Otherwise, dirt and food will get trapped in them and can cause significant damage over time.
Cats are prone to running and hitting their faces on things like doors and furniture. this is natural for both indoor and outdoor cats. That’s why you want to make sure that your cat’s fangs don’t deteriorate quickly. if you don’t take care of them, they will break.
The benefits of brushing daily include increased strength, better dental health, and less toothache.
Cats rely heavily on their fangs, and when they are long, the strain on their mouths is significant. you need to find a way to limit the amount of pressure on your teeth as best you can.
Some cats have protruding fangs because they have retained this physical feature from their wild cat ancestors.
Living with long fangs can be quite difficult for these cats, so make sure you do everything you can to make life easier for them in their daily routine.
Buy your cat a scratching post that she can chew on from time to time to help strengthen her teeth. buy them a soft chew toy. feed them wet cat food because dry food can put too much pressure on their teeth. lastly, brush his fangs every day to keep them strong and healthy.
image: jacobi